The future Design of Streets

Portugal | Design | 6 april

The third edition of the webinar “the Future Design of Streets”, takes place between February and June, in five sessions, with fifteen speakers from various areas and nationalities. The aim is to reflect on the challenges facing the design of streets, urban life, mobility, environment, among other aspects.

The platform is coordinated by Daniel Casas Valle and Ivo Oliveira, a co-organization of Lab2PT – School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho, CEAU – Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto and Department of Architecture and Multimedia Gallaecia of the University Portucalense.

These are the next sessions:

“Transforming (infa)structures” with Milène Deneubourg, Vojtěch Benedikt and João Rafael Santos
(6 April)

“Tech space” with Catarina Selada, Dan Hill and Robert Martin (4 May)

“Learning from yesterday” with Vitor Oliveira, Conrad Kickert and Andreia Garcia (1st June)

More info: