Seminar – Dynamics of Educational Animation with Children and Youngsters

Açores | Education | 17 june

The Seminar – Dynamics of Educational Animation with children and young people takes place tomorrow, June 17, from 18h30 to 21h00, in the Amphitheatre VIII of the University of the Azores. It is organized in the scope of the course unit Animação Educativa e Atividades Lúdicas, Culturais e Artísticas, by the masters’ students of Education and Training, with a specialty in Training and Educational Intervention with children and young people, and by the teacher Paulo C. Bulhões.

This Seminar is intended for students and professionals in the areas of Education Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities. It aims to deepen the dynamics of educational animation, using artistic, recreational, and cultural activities, in formal, non-formal, and informal education contexts; to promote different educational and training projects, and to foster discussion and reflection around educational interventions with children and young people.

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