Pedro Abrunhosa at UTAD’s Integration Week

5 October, 2021

Thinking about the new students, the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) promotes, between 4 and 7 October, the Integration Week. After the welcome session given by the rector of the Transmontana academy, it will be the musician Pedro Abrunhosa’s turn to speak.

The Integration Week programme also includes information sessions on the courses and the five Schools of UTAD, a solidarity concert with the academic music groups, a blood donation, and several recreational activities.

On October 6, at 4 pm, Rector Emídio Gomes will welcome the new students in a session that will take place in the Aula Magna. This will be followed by a speech by Pedro Abrunhosa on fundamental aspects of the importance of universities, in the present and in the future, and the motivational aspects of young people in times of the post-pandemic.

Co-hosted by the Academic Association of UTAD (AAUTAD), the Integration Week will start on 4 October, with guided tours of the respective schools and meetings with the Alumni. In the evening, at Carvalho Araújo Avenue, in Vila Real, there will be a concert of academic tunas, with a collection of food items. For the 5th, an orienteering pedestrian competition is prepared so that the new students can get to know the campus and the city. During the whole week, there will be a blood donation.

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