Mentoring programme at the University of Porto registers an increase in participants

11 May, 2022

The Peer Mentoring Programme, promoted by the University of Porto, recorded an increase of more than 300 participants compared to last year. According to the official webpage of the university, this year alone, 1881 students (mentors) from several study cycles have volunteered to accompany 2842 new students (mentees). Supporting them are also more than 80 teachers from the 12 organic units that participate in this program.

“Between the 2019-2020 academic year [when the project was launched] and the current one, the number of mentors in the program rose 93% and the number of mentorees 81%. There was, therefore, exponential growth in participants, despite all the restrictions motivated by the health crisis,” says José Castro Lopes, Vice-Rector of the U.Porto responsible for the areas of Training, Academic Organisation and Social Action, Health and Welfare, quoted on the university’s website.

The Interpares program is based on promoting the reception and integration of new students at the beginning of their new stage in Higher Education, whether national or international students. “There is a sharing of information that not only facilitates the integration of students but also makes them feel more accompanied, enhancing their well-being, their personal development, their academic success and their sense of belonging”, stressed the same responsible, on the sidelines of the 3rd Meeting of the Mentoring Program Interpares, held at the Faculty of Sports.