The Madeira Chemical Centre (CQM), a national research unit, based at the University of Madeira, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and ARDITI, will hold its usual annual meeting, on the 7th and 8th October 2021, at the Rectory Auditorium of the University of Madeira, at Colégio dos Jesuítas.
In what is already the eighth edition of the event, CQM researchers will present and publicly discuss the results of the research carried out during the year 2020/2021, in the areas of Analytical Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Health, Materials, Molecular Modelling, Nanochemistry and Phytochemistry.
The meeting is open to the entire scientific community and the public, with prior registration and limited to the number of places available. All information here.
The event will take place according to the rules of distancing and hygiene established by national and regional health authorities.
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